Purpose of Pre-Employment Health Screening (PEHS)

The Health and Safety at Work Act requires Auckland District Health Board to consider the health and safety of workers and workplaces by eliminating or minimising risk. Pre-employment Health Screening is the process for Auckland DHB to identify potential or actual health and safety risks to the employee, patients or other workers.

To meet our legal obligations, you have the responsibility to share relevant and accurate health information with the Occupational Health Service.  With your consent, Auckland DHB Occupational Health may obtain relevant information from your electronic health record, prior Occupational Health units, your educational institute, Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) or your healthcare provider.

Your health information will be stored securely and separately from your employment record. As with your GP health records, your health information is confidential.

The information you provide will enable Auckland Occupational Health Service to:

  • Advise  you and your manager of your capacity to safely undertake the tasks in the proposed role (functional capacity and susceptibility to risk)
  • When required, make recommendations to your manager on reasonable work accommodations, restrictions and/or modifications to keep you, patients and other workers safe in the workplace
  • Establish a baseline for future health monitoring, screening and protection
  • When we make work recommendations to your manager, we will not share your health information unless we have your consent

If any work modifications are recommended, it is your manager’s decision as to what changes can be accommodated. Auckland DHB Occupational Health will advise recruitment when the process has been completed.

The Auckland DHB Pre-Employment Health Screening Policy requires that all staff complete this process. Completion of this screening is a pre-requisite of employment and must be done prior to the commencement of employment at ADHB


  • This questionnaire will take approximately 15 minutes to complete
  • Your form and documentation will be reviewed by the Occupational Health and Safety Service
  • Following an initial review you may be asked to:
    • Carry out tests. Written communication and a laboratory form will be sent to you by email or post.
    • Make an appointment with Occupational Health and Safety Service to see the Occupational Health and Safety Nurse or the Occupational Health and Safety Physician

The overall process including tests, interpretation of results and clearance takes a minimum of 3 days and up to 10 working days from the time you have the tests. If follow up is required, then the process will take longer.

Thanks for your assistance,
Auckland District Health Board Occupational Health and Safety Services